Thursday, August 9, 2007

Steely McBeam - you're kidding, right? Please say you're kidding.

The Pittsburgh Steelers are 75 years old this year, and have managed to succeed without the need for skanky cheerleaders or a cartoonish, costumed mascot - until now.
So now the Steelers have a mascot, and worse, they named it Steely McBeam.

It seems to me that if you must have a mascot, why not tie into what to any loyal Steelers fan is the team's true icon, the Terrible Towel, given to us by the now retired radio analyst Myron Cope. I would have named the character "Iron Myron" (pronouced Cope style as "Eye-run My-run").

Meanwhile a search around the Burgh blogs offers more disdain for this misnamed misanthropic mascot:

Pitt Girl at the Burgh Blog offers a succinct n@ "WTF?"

At Pittsburgh Dish, a similar question: 'A nation asks, "WTF, dude?"'

The Metroblogging Pittsburgh post on this topic offers this opinion: "The Steelers' new mascot has a new name, and it stinks worse than my afternoon commute on a bus with a busted air conditioner.."

The second half of Tunesmith & Anthony thinks the new mascot could find success in another entertainment arena. (NSFW visual)

Go Stillers!

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