Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I have nothing

Since I have nothing original to add to the cacophony of blogger voices, allow me to direct you to some folks who have brains connected to their keyboards.

The Anchoress offers a glimpse at a real American hero, Marco Martinez, Gang Member to Navy Cross winner. She plugs his book, Hard Corps: From Gangster to Marine Hero, in which he describes what he saw in Iraq that were then and remain today valid reasons for the war. And she covers other items of interest in posts from the past several days. trust me, you'll be there awhile.

I've just discovered the wit and wisdom of Lemuel Calhoon a/k/a Hillbilly White Trash. He offers up a very interesting perspective on the cultural poison that is moral relativism in a post from earlier in the week.

The good people at Common Folk Using Common Sense are all over the Global Warming Swindle. Which reminds me - if you become engaged in a conversation with one of the true believers of the Church of Gore, it is always amusing to remind them that it was President Richard Nixon who push through and signed into law the Clean Air Act in 1970.

And on the same general topic (the environment), there is a local shouting match in which some NIMBYs are fighting against the construction of windmills in our area. If they would be honest and simply say "hey we think those things are ugly and we don't want to look at them," one could at least respect their opinion. Instead they claim the developers will rape the mountaintops, spoil the way, and grind up birds and bats in the spinning blades. I promise to expound on this topic in a future post.

Back to the blogroll, I've come to know Big White Hat from his frequent comments at Still Stacy (I think he may be an SSS as well!) He offers a pop quiz in math, as well as a brief but inspiring essay on values that's worth a visit.

Speaking of Stacy, our talented Colorado goat wrangler, bicyclist, and supermom has an excellent post about the virtues of liberal columnist Juan Williams.

There's plenty more out there.